Flight Training Financing: Yes you can get Financial Aid to become a Pilot!

Our financing programs bring your dreams within reach!

Don’t let the cost of flight training keep you from flying. Financing of flight training is a fairly common practice and alleviates the financial aspect of learning how to fly so that students can focus on success. Even if you intend to pay off your training shortly after completion, financing may still be a good option. With Flight Training Finance, you can fly multiple times per week for the cost of just one or two lessons as your monthly payment!

Approval may be provided in as quickly at 24-hours!

To obtain financing, click on this link to be redirected to Flight Training Finance. Then

• Click on Step 6: How to Apply
• Click Apply On-Line
• Check the box and click on Proceed to Application
• Input Hewison Aviation as the Flight School Name
• Input Selkirk for training at the South Albany Airport or Rome for training at the Griffiss International Airport as the Flight School City
• Select NY for the State
Complete the application

​There are also many aviation scholarships available. Here is a list of some of the top scholarships:


Along with financing, AOPA does offer scholarships. You can find more information about their scholarships and other organizations here.

The 99s

The 99s is a nonprofit organization that promotes women pilots. Their organization has been around since 1929. The Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarship was set up for women looking to advance their rating. The also offer the Fly Now Award Scholarship which provides funding for student pilots to achieve their flight training dream. Information and the application can be found here.


This nonprofit organization offers various scholarships for female helicopter students. These range from upgrading your helicopter license to a helicopter add on for current fixed wing pilots. See their website for an extensive list of their scholarships and the requirements for each one.

​​Women In Aviation

This organization offers many different scholarships for both men and women. You can see a complete listing of their scholarships here.